Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Story of Carol Hoofen-nagle

Carol Hoofen-nagle
lived at 16th First Place
on Shastina's shadow

She is victim zero
of a dastard plague
that they call
Hoof in Navel

They have put
Wal-mart legal team
on it ... and ...
from Bentonville, Arkansas
they have solved it;
so they think...

By putting it in lay-away
three months to pay
on a no interest bearing
account, that way
they may have
saved the day!

Mr Harold Horseford
drove his Dodge truck
to the next mountainside
because he must decide
if Carol Hoofen-nagle
might become his bride
but Carol him denied

So Harold met and married
Randi Tapir, healthy, less harried
beauty from Shastina's mountainside
fresh as mountain countryside

Sorrow visited poor Harold
as Carol H died after four months
so sorrowful he, he left his wife,
left life as he knew it
... to sadly abide
on Shastina's mountainside.

Carol Hoofen-nagle was survived
by Lori Arkwright, who eyed
Ibid Deuteronomy ready and alive
to give her a ride atop Shastina
where they might study astronomy
Until she told Ibid of what
her dear sister, Carol had died

Ibid, he excused himself
ran down the mountainside
and into town to hide.

Along came Mr Harold Horseford
seeing Lori as she cried
reminding him much of Carol
he offered her too a ride
and ride she did
until in deep slumber
they both lied.

This story should
by now unravel
but it is an endless
mountain travel
up and down North California
Where strong men in Dodges
Keep two stables, they trade,
regardless of love-centric adages
and dread Hoof in Navel plague

Patrick Darnell (2000)

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