Saturday, November 7, 2009

Impromtu Limericks from Life

Response to  Ethernet:
"Holy Mackerel! This story has everything.

"Beauty contestants…”Gladiators!”~…Nightclub brawl!

"Wait a minute…did you say nightclub brawl? That gets me thinking…
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Did We Miss Something?
by Pat Darnell

There once was a nubian gal — England’s heptathlete
Rachel, a beauty operator when she doesn’t compete

she got bloody for England’s roans
when she sparred Sara Jones

It seems, Rachel Christie can’t abide when Miss Jones speaks.

Miss Jones, too, you see, is a snoggable feast,
from Manchester, her self, she’s a potable trist

but, she talked in a bar to a faraway crowd
with large lungs in her man chest, too loud

about Rach'el's boyfriend’s gladiator wrists

Rachel bound like steam from a radiator
With round-house on Sara J, Rachel KO’d her!

But, Miss England Rachel, had to withdraw
It's because beauty queens never should brawl

Yet twasn't a problem at all --
For home to boyfriend Rach' went, both so glad, he ate her.

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