Friday, September 25, 2009

Bright Morning STAR

by Pat Darnell

Devil lived out his usefulness
Journalists congregated
watched transition
--Veil fell
hands shook
unidentifiable vessels
took to the sky and wrote:

"Wedding Day!
Open the guest Book!!"

PR agents witnessed
'n scribbled keywords
invented formula
in their notebooks, today's lines: His tuxedo --
"Jesus; What a Stunner!"

"Fore" -- screamed T V Woods
as he and Father Son Holy Ghost
golfed as a foursome
as the sun rose
over eastern slopes

Jesus teed his Topflite Excalibur up
His caddy chose the Torah gopher one wood
He blasted that Devil old Beelzebub
into non-matter Zone for good!

Jesus Drove 'em
he racked 'em
to the dark side
He put them where light cant hide

"I want to die"
screamed one fool
as he was cooked alive
in stellar stew

and in every bar
on every corner
funny things occurred
every good Palikar
vanished into thin air
As the Groom putted out
twenty-one below par.

film melted in cameras
digital went hairy
Jesus smiled
"It is done;"
Heavy as iron
hitting bone
a joyous Allen Alda
took the arm of
Charlie Sheen
trying their best
to steal the scene

but we wouldn't let them

"See you in week,"
Said Jesus to them and a Greek--
while Marilyn received her wings
and Elvis his crown ...
this party went downtown!

Came the Son's decree:
"To know; and to be--"
passed-over generations
heard this day PR-omises
that every survivor is free
and every survivor drinks wine
made from Lamb's blood

and a portion of the Host
His body that was broke
--Jesus head-lined
front-pages that very morn
in every Home Town POST

"All Those without God are Toast"

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