A Time to be Wise: "The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted." — D.H. Lawrence
State Street Christmas
by Pat Darnell
get up go on downtown
down to STATE STreet tonight
because i'm told in the cold,
you won't have to fight
to see what's there for you
... in store windows
windows dressed up
... for your delights 'n so 'n so
you see, at Marshal Field's
what your visits yield is
what your and my Christmases
... is
Look at people whisking by...
whipping wind that tears your eyes ...
... dry wind, how it makes you cry
tear of new wine, Your
tear that strolls your contour
and makes a path down your face
not to pine, but for others later to follow
all at their own pace tomorrow and morrow
and you might flinch
as wisdom sweeps o'er
you in wisdom's clench
your soul catches gusts to soar
your family farm year-end purchases
never buy French, just as it were
too much of a chance it is -- harsh,
but buy American -- never French,
American-made, farm-tool implements
...and if you can't sing
...and you don't dance
you'll soon be leaving
to join the frogs and occupy France...
and if it's all the same to you
I don't mind if you do
I don't have any Euro's
to come and liberate you.
State Street Christmas
by pdarnell\today
rev 12\17\2009
dRumpf = Failure = Fact
Sure, Donknald vonShizenpants Jessica Gropenfuhrer dRumpf as elected to his
second term, will be doing really stupid stuff for two years, but like all
2 weeks ago
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