Friday, November 7, 2008

Obsession-- by Dez

Sick obsession.
Causing emotional distress.
Leave me alone.
I’m NOT yours.
Get me out of your head.

Nine Eleven Divided by Zero

By Pat Darnell

Belief structure is flawed
Love reigns, or ought,
Keeps devil at bay
Fast footed though
As a curious cat
Falling defies gravity not
Iron man of peace
Never knew iron could fly
And fall and sink... Twist and burn

and melt like that
In total forfeit to rivals
Hours for years
For determent
Of next generations
Good is sliced Vaporized – collapsed
Cataclysms beyond water
Awash in flood of blood
Finding its own level

Trails of cinder dust
Martyred monumental machines
Mists of no consequence and rust
Become human experience
And a toil to survive

Dwellers those souls there
Does information go away
Or stay alive
As goes low tide
High tide, low tide again

Aftermath a different toil
Sun sets through blue white and indigo
Clouds of mountainous dust
From beeping terrors roil
Some turned soldier
For to quiet everyone

Making promises
They could never keep
Running from time
Falling prey
To catacombs collapsing
Inside that deep
Cheap shot of a crime

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I was in New Orleans

by Pat Darnell

I was in New Orleans
Drinking hurricanes
Most natural thing to do
"You are disturbing
Our performers, Sir..."
"if it continues,
You’ll have to leave"
A waiter said to me
 Poison brings me
Closer to Jesus
"Sir, you will have to leave
If you continue to wave
And weave
But—where am I?
I was in New Orleans
Living a no regrets life --
Thief comes anyway
Only to kill, steal and destroy
And takes my valuables away
 "..Sir, you are still there
 but I’m sorry you must stop
or you will have to leave
Do I have to cross
That old rickety bridge
..Old rusted metal
Crickety bridge to
Get out of here?
 "I don’t know Sir;
…if you keep falling
Out of your chair
You must depart
I drank three hurricanes
Before I angled in here
To sit through this Ike
Allison and Katrin’ despair

Oh, or do you mean the singer
When he broke a string
Did I do that?
Did I do that, you see
Because I’m here
 "I cannot, Sir,Give any reprieve
 Nor answer your Lust for poison...
 Sir, Now, consider the door
I’ve been hearing that
A lot lately –Yep --
That I have to leave
You know I have
Heard all this before

I don’t remember
How ‘xactly it ends
Spirit keeps me alive
While solvents burn
My insides dry
Like a gourd

Coursing through me
Grizzle and bones
Till I have to go
And find my way home

I want first bite
Of every night
Not just a slice
After everyone else
 "Okay, are you going
To go now, Sir...
 Here is the door
Can I not just sit here
One moment more
For men and for God

I fought
to hold the weight
I climbed and tore
At walls, I bore
Into dams
I held resentment in
in my hands
held jealous
To my path…

To my path
So that I am here
A friend to this place
Tho' poisoned patron
A real hard Hurri-case
 "Of your stay here I have foreknowledge No --
 though your condition I see in triplicate
 Less illusion More legitimate
 Truthfully -- Face your poison you ignoble man
 Zenobly, leave boldly,
 Day will bring all to soon memories back again."

Friday, August 22, 2008

Virgin of Nothingness

Virgin of Nothingness

-Trust me
for i am a virgin.*laughs* Such a silly saying. Stereotyped into

Virginity.... *laughs*
Virgin... to what?
Didn't think so...

A Virgin... to being tormented...? A Virgin to true spirituality? A virgin to extraordinary LoVe? A Virgin to belief... religion?

So I thought.

Trust Me...
to StEaL your eternity. Trust ME to steal your innocent Virginity. Trust ME to whisper thoughts into your


ears... poison those sweet little Virgin lips... Grasp those virgin hands of yours... Trust me to rape your Virgin happiness... and bathe myself in your sweet Virgin tears...

For I am a Virgin of Nothingness... when the truth is... my own little Nothingness... is EvErYtHiNg. Anything that has ever existed... Rape me, my little Virgin... for you are my nOtHiNg... my eVeRyThInG.

-Desiree Darnell 4/28/08

Being raped of your nothingness... your everything; your energy, time, effort, your passion.
Devastating is the word that comes to mind, when knowing the outcome... the outcome, and refusing to believe it.
Who is the one at fault? Is it you, because of your easy stupidity... for your compassion, or even stubborness? Or is it possibly the inflictor, the one who benefits?
As if a man... engulfed in a midnight veil, shadows over your light, casts his spell, then rids of your being with his magic... his syth... raping you of your sweet mortatlity, your spirit; purpose, life. What's next? And once again, I ask... Who is at fault?
Being left to whether with the rest of the dead... but only, you are left alive. Where do you go? Will you redeem who you once were? Not allowing the pest to thrive off of what you once were.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Romans 1:12 -- Beat it back, or engulf the Stress

Who Walked the Water?

by Dave Darnell

"that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each others faith, both yours and mine." Rom 1:12

A restful sleep may be out of reach,
I once was fitful in the dark.
Or not to be calm in repose.

I watched a sailor grab at the elusive shut-eye, rough seas, no relief. His eyes did close.

As we reached the fishing grounds,
Others, on wobbly legs worked.
That fisherman became energy.

Fellows looked on him with envy, he slept as we bucked. I went close to thread bait with him.

Our team fought the sea, he joined it. We must take our rest as it is provided by God. He loves our need.

Providence and grace are blips on our screen. How blessed are the seafarers, the shepherds?

Our psyches yearn for solitude.
Is it attainable? Our matrix demands attention. Stressfully.

Beat it back, or engulf the stress.
God listens. We have choice. We have a blip to home in on, Beloved.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

mass migration

by Pat Darnell

why are there
migrations en mass
reasons are many
and everywhere --
floods and tectonics
drought and famine
inflation a' plenty

excessive taxes
monotonous fascists
nationalized utilities
jail-house inconveniences
scarce food and services

like tumors rise
to boomer sooner
and guess what
it comes as a surprise

squatters and frogs
emmets and tourists
street and building cleaners
road working purists

someone out there
has to clean the bogs !!
why not starving Irish
and pithy yobs?